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Libros de la leteratur european (lista)

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En esta paje on va scrive la libros xef de la leteratur european, clasida seguente la lingua en cual ia es scriveda:

Leteratur elinica

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  • Iliada
  • Odisea
  • Aristofane: Ranas
  • Aristotele: Politica
  • Herodoto: Istorias
  • Platon: Republica
  • Sofocle: Edipo la Re
  • Laboras e dias
  • Teogonia
  • Argonautica

Leteratur latin

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Leteratur romanica

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Leteratur catalan

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  • Amadis de Gaula
  • La Nacionalitat Catalana d'Enric Prat de la Riba.
  • L'Atlàntida de Jacint Verdaguer.
  • Contes de Narcís Oller.
  • Curial e Güelfa (anònim).
  • Lo Catalanisme de Valentí Almirall.
  • Llibre de meravelles de Ramon Llull. A cura de Marina Gustà.
  • Canigó de Jacint Verdaguer.
  • Tragèdia de Caldesa i altres proses de Joan Roís de Corella.
  • Lo Crestià (selecció) de Francesc Eiximenis.
  • Tirant lo Blanc, I de Joanot Martorell.
  • Libre de Fortuna e de Prudència, Lo somni de Bernat Metge

Leteratur franses

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Geste du roi

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Geste de Garin de Monglane

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The central character is not Garin de Monglane but his supposed great-grandson, Guillaume d'Orange. These chansons deal with knights who were typically younger sons, not heirs, who seek land and glory through combat with the Infidel (in practice, Muslim) enemy.

Geste de Doon de Mayence

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This cycle concerns traitors and rebels against royal authority. In each case the revolt ends with the defeat of the rebels and their eventual repentance.

Lorraine cycle

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This local cycle of epics of Lorraine traditional history, in the late form in which it is now known, includes details evidently drawn from Huon de Bordeaux and Ogier le Danois.

Crusade cycle

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Not listed by Bertrand de Bar-sur-Aube, this cycle deals with the First Crusade and its immediate aftermath.

  • Chanson d'Antioche, apparently begun by Richard le Pèlerin c. 1100; earliest surviving text by Graindor de Douai c. 1180; expanded version 14th century
  • Les Chétifs telling the adventures (mostly fictional) of the poor crusaders led by Peter the Hermit; the hero is Harpin de Bourges. The episode was eventually incorporated, c. 1180, by Graindor de Douai in his reworking of the Chanson d'Antioche
  • Matabrune tells the story of old Matabrune and of the great-grandfather of Godefroi de Bouillon
  • Le Chevalier au Cigne tells the story of Elias, grandfather of Godefroi de Bouillon. Originally composed around 1192, it was afterwards extended and divided into several branches
  • Les Enfances Godefroi or "Childhood exploits of Godefroi" tells the story of the youth of Godefroi de Bouillon and his three brothers
  • Chanson de Jérusalem
  • La Mort de Godefroi de Bouillon, quite unhistorical, narrates Godefroi’s poisoning by the Patriarch of Jerusalem
  • Baudouin de Sebourc (mid-14th century)
  • Bâtard de Bouillon (early 14th century)

Leteratur galisian

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  • Cantares gallegos per Rosalia de Castro
  • As Eoas de Eduardo Pondal
  • Sempre en Galiza de Castelao
  • Merlín e familia i outras historias de Álvaro Cunqueiro

Leteratur espaniol

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  • Poesia de Mea Cid
  • Sir Cixote
  • El Libro de Buen Amor
  • La Celestina
  • El Buscón per Francisco de Quevedo
  • Lazarillo de Tormes
  • El alcalde de Zalamea per Pedro Calderón de la Barca
  • Don Juan Tenorio per José Zorrilla
  • La vida es sueño per Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Leteratur italian

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  • La Divina Comedia
  • I promessi sposi di Alessandro Manzoni
  • I Malavoglia di Giovanni Verga
  • Gerusalemme Liberata di Torquato Tasso
  • Il Gattopardo di Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

Leteratur portuges

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  • Os Lusiadas
  • Mensagem by Fernando Pessoa
  • Fingimento de Amores of Diogo Brandão
  • Coplas of D. Pedro
  • Crisfal of Cristóvão Falcão
  • Gil Vicente
  • Francisco de Sá de Miranda
  • Castro per António Ferreira

Leteratur romanian

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  • Poezii alese (1830) by Iancu Văcărescu
  • Colecţie din poeziile domnului marelui logofăt Iancu Văcărescu (1848)
  • O noapte pe ruinele Târgoviştii ("A Night on the Ruins of Târgovişte")
  • "Mihaiada" de Ion Heliade-Rădulescu
  • "Anatolida" de I. Heliade-Rădulescu
  • "Muma lui Ștefan cel Mare" de D. Bolintineanu
  • "Mihnea și baba" de D. Bolintineanu
  • Miorița

Leteratur germanica

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  • Haddingjar
  • Legends about Theoderic the Great

Leteratur engles

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  • Beowulf
  • Robert Southey's works
  • King Alfred by John Fitchett
  • The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
  • The Ballad of the White Horse

Leteratur deutx

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Germany. A Winter's Tale Heldenbuch Hermann and Dorothea Kudrun Der Messias (Klopstock) Muspilli Nibelungenlied Tristan und Isolde von Gottfried von Straßburg Parzival von Wolfram von Eschenbach Hartmann von Aue

Leteratur nederlandes

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  • Van den vos Reynaerde

Leteratur frisce

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  • Gysbert Japiks's works
  • Fedde Schurer's works

Leteratur svensce

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  • The Tales of Ensign Stål

Leteratur norsce

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Leteratur dansce

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Leteratur scotes

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  • John Barbour's Brus
  • Andrew of Wyntoun's verse Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland
  • Blind Harry's The Wallace
  • The Buik of Alexander by Gilbert Hay
  • Launcelot o the Laik by Gilbert Hay
  • The Porteous of Noblenes by Gilbert Hay
  • James I wrote The Kingis Quair
  • Dunbar's Lament for the Makaris
  • Poets such as Robert Henryson, William Dunbar, Walter Kennedy and Gavin Douglas .
  • Auchinleck Chronicle,[26] the first complete surviving work includes John Ireland's The Meroure of Wyssdome
  • Gavin Douglas's version of Virgil's Aeneid, the Eneados,

Leteratur luxemburges

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  • Renert oder de Fuuß am Frack an a Ma’nsgrëßt by Michel Rodange

Leteratur slavica

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Leteratur ucrainsce

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Leteratur bielarusce

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  • Yakub Kolas: Songs of Captivity, Songs of Grief (Belarusian: Песьні-жальбы), A New Land (Belarusian: Новая зямля), Simon the Musician (Belarusian: Сымон-музыка), The Fisherman's Hut (Belarusian: Рыбакова хата), At a Crossroads
  • Yanka Kupala: Мая доля, Мужык, Жалейка, Адвечная песьня, Сон на кургане, Ад сэрца

Leteratur rusce

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  • Eugene Onegin par Alexander Pushkin
  • A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov
  • Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev
  • War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
  • The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak
  • And Quiet Flows the Don by Mikhail Sholokhov
  • Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman
  • One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
  • The Funeral Party by Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Leteratur polsce

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  • Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz

Leteratur slovenscse

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  • The Baptism on the Savica

Leteratur slovacian

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Leteratur txesce

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Leteratur bosnian

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Leteratur corvatsce

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Leteratur serbsce

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Leteratur celta

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  • Pascon agan Arluth
  • Beunans Meriasek (The Life of Meriasek)

Leteratur baltica

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  • Songs, par Juris Alunans.
  • Lāčplēsis (epica nasional), par Andrejs Pumpurs.
  • "Fire and Night" (Latvian: Uguns un nakts, 1905) and "Indulis and Ārija" (Latvian: Indulis un Ārija, 1911) by Rainis.
  • Mūžības Skartie par Aleksandrs Čaks


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  • The Simple Words of Catechism per Martynas Mažvydas
  • Catechism, or Education Obligatory to Every Christian per Mikalojus Daukša
  • Metai (The Seasons, 1818), first Lithuanian poem per Kristijonas Donelaitis

Leteratur xcip

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  • Barleti, Marin (1504) La Aseja de Shkodra
  • La Istoria de Scanderbeg per Marin Barleti
  • Rapsodi të një poeme arbëreshe (Rhapsody of an Arbëresh Poem) in 1866 by Jeronim De Rada,
  • Përmbledhje të këngëve popullore dhe rapsodi të poemave shqiptare (Collection of Albanian Folk Songs and Rhapsodies of Albanian Poems) in 1871 by Zef Jubani
  • Bleta shqiptare (Albanian Bee) in 1878 by Thimi Mitko
  • Jeronim De Rada (1814–1903)
  • Naim Frashëri
  • Lahuta e malësisë (The Highland Lute) by Gjergj Fishta (1871–1940) national epos breadth
  • Vallja e yjeve (The Dance of Stars), 1933, Ylli i zemrës (The Star of Heart), 1937 by Lasgush Poradeci
  • Lahuta e Malcís (The Highland Lute) by Gjergj Fishta

Leteratur hayeren

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  • Daredevils of Sassoun

Leteratur non indo-european

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  • Kalevala
  • Seven Brothers (1870) by Aleksis Kivi
  • Gudu kantak
    • Cantar de la batalla de Beotibar (1321)
    • Cantar de la batalla de Acondia (1390)
    • Cantar de la batalla de Urrexola (c. 1401)
    • Cantar de la batalla de Aramaio (1443)
    • Cantar de la quema de Mondragón (1448)
    • Cantar de Olaso (1450)
    • Cantar de Sandailia o San Elias (c. 1450)
    • Cantar de la batalla de Erroitegi (1448-1468)
    • Cantar de la batalla de Munguia (1471)
    • Cantar de la batalla de Fuenterrabía (1476)
    • Cantar de Bretaña (c. 1500)
  1. Le Roland occitan ed. and tr. Gérard Gouiran, Robert Lafont (1991)
  2. La geste de Fierabras, le jeu du réel et de l'invraissemblable ed. André de Mandach. Geneva, 1987.
  3. "Fierabras and Floripas: A French Epic Allegory" ed. and trans. by Michael A.H. Newth. New York: Italica Press, 2010.
  4. Ed. F. Guessard, S. Luce. Paris: Vieweg, 1862.
  5. Jehan de Lanson, chanson de geste of the 13th Century ed. J. Vernon Myers. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965.
  6. Ed. A. Thomas. Paris: Société des anciens textes français, 1913.
  7. Galiens li Restorés ed. Edmund Stengel (1890); Le Galien de Cheltenham ed. D. M. Dougherty, E. B. Barnes. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1981.
  8. Aiquin ou la conquête de la Bretagne par le roi Charlemagne ed. F. Jacques. Aix-en-Provence: Publications du CUER MA, 1977.
  9. Raimbert de Paris, La Chevalerie Ogier de Danemarche ed. J. Barrois (1842)
  10. Ed. François Guessard, Henri Michelant. Paris, 1859.
  11. Simon de Pouille ed. Jeanne Baroin (1968)
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 La geste de Beaulande ed. David M. Dougherty, E. B. Barnes (1966)
  13. Ed. C. Wahlund, H. von Feilitzen. Upsala and Paris, 1895.
  14. Ed. W. Cloetta. Paris, 1906–13.
  15. "La chanson de Doon de Nanteuil: fragments inédits" ed. Paul Meyer in Romania vol. 13 (1884)
  16. Parise la Duchesse ed. G. F. de Martonne (1836); Parise la Duchesse ed. F. Guessard, L. Larchey (1860)
  17. Gormont et Isembart ed. Alphonse Bayot (1931)
  18. R. Weeks, "Aïmer le chétif" in PMLA vol. 17 (1902) pp. 411–434.
  19. Ed. Jacques Normand and Gaston Raynaud. Paris, 1877.